As we are nearly closing for our Christmas break, we wanted to look back at 2023, our fourth and best year yet!
Held Six client events
Our clients are and will always be at the core of Wise, which is why we’ve always been a people to people business. We believe in face-to-face interactions to help us build on the relationships we’ve already developed, allow us to receive feedback from our clients and also just to have a bit of fun!
Our clients are located all across the UK, so the 2023 events calendar has been busy and adrenaline-fueled. We have hosted a variety of events ranging from golf days in Scotland and North Warwickshire, to adventure days in Northern Ireland and a football match in the Midlands, to name a few!
Released 23 new features
We’re continually updating features on the Wise Platform and bringing out new releases to ensure our clients are always getting the very best experience from us.
This year, we’re proud to say we’ve released 23 brand-new features, and we’ve had some brilliant feedback already!
From working directly with our clients, we have been able to support them by providing software that they need – something we’re super proud of.
Brought in a brand new team
We hired a brand new team of six Field Account Sales Managers, creating our Field Account Team, better known as FAMs. We still have our dedicated Client Services Managers, our FAMs act as a secondary point of contact to our clients being able to provide more face to face support and direct help to drivers, as they’re always out on the road.
Announced as a Great Place To Work™

For the third year in a row, we have been named as a Great Place to Work by the global authority on workplace culture, Great Place To Work.™
We were ecstatic to receive such a high rating from our employees, with 83% considering Wise a great place to work™, which is significantly higher than the average of 54% for typical UK based companies.
Awarded ‘Most Innovative Company of the Year’

Earlier this month, Wise was crowned the ‘Most Innovative Company of the Year’ at the Logistics UK Awards in London.
The Logistics UK Awards celebrate achievements in the road, rail, sea, and air sectors, as well as operators, manufacturers, logistics, and support industries. The awards ceremony is known for being one of the most respected events in the industry.
We were proud to receive this recognition for our product and services and the incredible impact on the last-mile industry we have worked so hard to achieve.
Thank you to our clients
As always, we appreciate all our clients for their continued support and trust in Wise. We already can’t wait to see what’s in store for us all in 2024!